Tuesday 2 July 2013

Letter to the Brave

Brave girl,

I catch your eye in the mirror, make up half done, hair fuzzing like a mane around your ears. You don't look brave. Anything but. Your toddler bursts in demanding a drink and your smile snaps back into place, in a minute darling.

You aren't anything special, no stunning beauty, no weeping in the corner, no dragging the world down with your pain. So, why? Why is this averagely average woman brave? What could she possibly do? She laughs, she jokes, she cuddles her kids, even when her heart is hollow and her pelvis snapping in two. She got back behind the wheel when every frayed nerve was screaming not to. Last week she drove across a bridge of a doom, a bridge that she'd narrowly avoided a panic attack on just a few days prior. Before that, drove in rain so heavy she could barely see. This woman, this seemingly nothing, can look in the mirror and smile at the face looking back. She has turned her heart and is ridding herself of the darkness that invaded her soul. This woman is brave.

Braver than even she will ever know.


  1. Meg, this is wonderful. I don't know the back story but I can feel the tension and the courage. I've no doubt that your heart was thumping and your palms sweaty, but you did it anyway!
    i always tell my kids that you can't be brave if you're not frightened in the first place. Well done you.
    Don't ever say that you're not anything special! You are a daughter of the living God and He has blessed you with words to inspire and challenge and comfort. Thank you.

  2. Oh yes, you are! To walk through your days with inner and/or outer pain and to keep a smile on your face when all you feel like doing is weeping - this is brave, my friend. And to manage to feel the fear and do it anyway is the essence of courage. Be encouraged, Meg, as you do the brave thing, take care of your family, make choices that scare you half to death and keep on living and loving as fully and freely as you can.
    PS:I agree with Helen above. You are honoured, beloved and uniquely special to God. Never forget it! We feel privilged to know you and celebrate as you share some of your journey here.
    Blessings in abundance :) xxx

  3. Meg, you are beautiful and you are not nothing! You are a mother of two, soon to be three, you are carrying your baby with a 'pelvis snapping in two'- this to me is extremely brave. Please believe in yourself like everyone else believes in you!
    Thank you for linking up! xx

  4. Brave in the face of panic. That is a tough one and I'm cheering you on in these difficult days as you make such bold choices to not be defined by your past experiences or the limits of your pain. That, I am thinking is quite brave!
